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  • Writer's pictureAnne Heintz

Dear TravelAnne Explorers, Back by Popular Demand Just in Time for the Month of Romance

We’ve been on hiatus for almost a year now due mostly to the fact that the travel business (and the media business) was rocking in ’23. Both of us have been incredibly busy, and I’m sorry to say that this little media initiative fell by the wayside. But over the last 10 months, something very humbling has been happening. On almost a weekly basis, people would ask about our website and newsletter. “I miss it,” said one friend and client. “I hope you bring it back,” said others.


With the new year comes resolutions, and my resolution was to listen to my friends and make time for the things that are important. I do love personally connecting with all of you over the phone and catching up with the comings and goings of your families. But one of the things I learned is how much you enjoyed our newsletter.


 So without further ado, I’m happy to say… welcome to the February edition of TravelAnne!

By: Anne Heintz


Whether it's a 2-week escape or a 2-day weekend getaway, TravelAnne is here to make it happen.


Dear Explorers,


It’s February with Valentine’s Day staring all of us in the face. That said, we have a heavy dose of romance this month.


My business tends to be either last minute requests or trip planning for 6, 12, or 24 months down the road. With the former in mind, we have a feature on last minute romantic destinations within a few hours of DC for those of you who tend to procrastinate about Valentine’s Day. You’ll also find a feature on the world’s most romantic destination to propose as well as romantic retreats in the USA

We focus on the country that is the most popular destination for TravelAnne Explorers… Italy. One article features several of Italy’s top seaside resorts. This would be a great way to conclude a 7-10 day trip through Italy. What better way to wrap up a hectic vacation than to spend a few days at one of the finest beach resorts in this wonderful country.


Speaking of romance, we have a great feature on one of our favorite properties, Twin Farms in Vermont. It’s what I refer to as a “trysting destination.” We have been there three times in the summer and have always vowed to try every season as this is a year-round destination. Each cabin has its own personality and combined with superb food, beverage and first class service, you can’t go wrong.

We also feature what is one of the hottest tickets in travel right now… Alaska. We profile some of the best cruise lines sailing along the Klondike state. All of these ships combine the adventure of expeditions with the luxury of select comfort.


Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t express my appreciation for the support and inspiration so many of you have shown by encouraging me to relaunch this venture. We started this website and newsletter in 2020 just as the world was locking down. It was our small attempt to stay connected during a very difficult time.


I’ve always thought of you as family as opposed to my clients. I think that bond got stronger during the lockdown, in part because of this newsletter. So, thank you for your support and your patience. We have some exciting plans that I will share with you down the road. But for now I’ll simply say…


Happy trails and keep dreaming of your next destination,



**Anne Heintz is a luxury travel advisor based in Washington, D.C. who creates lifetime memories for her clients located all over the world. She loves the fact that travel creates memories and connections for her clients. She is affiliated with Worldwide Travel Associates in DC and Tzell Travel in NYC. She is co-founder and namesake of

Anne can be reached at Follow her on Instagram @TravelAnneBlog


When you work with TravelAnne, you have one of the best in the business on your side.


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